The Ministry of Education has now approved SD84’s Stage 2 Return to School Plan. Please see this link for full details:
The biggest change with the planned Stage 2 reopening, compared to the Stage 3 plan we followed in June, is the focus on creating learning cohorts as opposed to the density targets that we had when we finished last school year:
KESS – Single Learning group (Staff and Students under 60)
ZESS – Single Learning group (Staff and Students under 60)
CMESS – Single Learning group (Staff and Students under 60)
GRSS – Single Learning group (Staff and Students under 120)
TLC – Single Learning group (Staff and Students under 60)
NK – Single Learning group (Staff and Students under 60)
RWES – Two or Three Learning groups (each containing Staff and Students under 60)
Beyond the focus on learning cohorts, each school district site shall:
– Assign staff to a specific learning group wherever possible and require staff to use a physical barrier, wear a mask, hand wash and/or maintain physical distance when not possible.
– Limit entry into our school sites to students and staff. Others may only be admitted on a very limited basis with the Principal’s approval and safety measures in place.
– Post a Covid-19 Procedures Document/WorkSafeBC plan that is reviewed by the Joint Health and Safety Committee shared publically and reviewed with all staff. All staff are trained in Covid-19 procedures and must sign off as having received the training.
– Ensure site procedures include: Daily self assessment by employees and by parents and caregivers of students for Covid like symptoms, Entering/Leaving the Building, Entering/Leaving a Room in the school, Occupancy limits, Photocopier or Supply Room, Bathrooms, Staffroom and Breaks, Essential Service Workers and Vulnerable student support spaces, Isolation room, Transferring materials in and out of the school, Staff Training, and Cleaning Requirements.
– Have multiple desktop mounted Acrylic safety screens for teachers and staff that may need to work in close proximity to students.
– Ensure bus drivers use acrylic face shields and masks.
– Ensure there are signs in every site reminding people of the necessary safety precautions such as coughing and sneezing into elbows, washing hands frequently for 20 seconds, and maintaining proper social distancing.
– Ensure proper handwashing techniques signs are posted in all washrooms.
– Ensure masks are worn by persons assigned to an isolation room, both to the sick person and to the person monitoring them (*masks shall be provided to staff and students as requested).
– When physical distancing is not possible between members of different learning groups; ensure that adults and students in middle and secondary grades are required to wear masks.
– Ensure masks will be worn by secondary students on school buses (*no student needs to wear a non-medical mask if they do not tolerate it).
– Remove or limited the use of frequently touched items that are not easily cleaned
– Remove or limited the use of shared equipment as much as is practical to do so.
– Ensure general cleaning and disinfecting of all sites at least once in a 24 hour period.
– Ensure cleaning and disinfecting of frequently used touched surfaces at least twice in 24 hours, including at least once during regular school/working hours.
I understand that you may well have concerns about your child’s unique needs being met safely at their school. Please be assured that our school principals are fully committed to ensuring a safe return for all staff and students. Schools will be reopening their offices on August 31 and your school principal will be available to answer site specific questions and concerns then.
Thank you for your patience and support as we work towards welcoming all our students back to our schools and a safe start-up for all in September.
Lawrence Tarasoff
Superintendent and Secretary-Treasurer